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Welcome to RC Reform Corporation.

The Reform Corporation (RC) was established in 1989 to deliver innovative interventions in regeneration of communities and inner-cities. We design and implement programmes aimed at fostering community cohesion, social inclusion and broader capacity development imperatives.

The broad portfolio includes customised programmes in Consultancies, Representation, Facilitation, General Empowerment, Education, Business Management, Training, Advocacy and Collaboration. Our consultancy programmes provide specialised services to fulfil the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Social Marketing of client organisations while clients focus on their core business. It includes building lasting partnership in some situations with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) who match the client’s CSR ambition. Under our consulting practices, we specialise in sustainability and corporate responsibility.

The Organisation in the main, works towards community and economic development with the aim of promoting:
 Economic growth, Social development, Sustainability and the Reduction of human vulnerability.

To achieve our aims, we generally cooperate with various relevant statutory bodies, businesses, educational establishments and individuals in order to deliver and add value to our interventions.

RC  has over 22 years’ experience in this area of work in the UK and Africa. Through our outreach operations in Representation, Facilitation, General Empowerment, Education, Business Management, Training, Advocacy, we use our dynamic culturally appropriate approaches to empower communities, NGOs, Small Medium Size Entrepreneurs (SME) and individuals. We initiate projects internationally through our International Project Committee and now have presence in several African countries including Liberia, Kenya and Nigeria.

Historically, our methods have resulted in unleashing hidden capacities in our target groups, inspiring people, engaging communities and creating breakthrough performances in economic and social cohesion.

We work alongside our clients in order to stimulate ingenuity and create growth.

Our Vision.

Reform Corporation (RC) overarching vision is to create tomorrow’s leaders. For that we promote values-based approaches that recognise that in today’s context, community homogeneity, performance and wellbeing must be driven by appropriate governance tools and leadership skills. We see leaders wherever they are and whatever their role, as the pillars of organisations and communities. We see them as the catalysts of success hence they are a focal point for change. We believe that empowering them and making them work together, effectively unleashes the great and limitless possibilities of human potential.

Customer Service
Our Coverage
Service Process
Overall Satisfaction

We work alongside our clients in order to stimulate ingenuity and create growth.

We mentor and guide them through our Purposeful Path to Sustainability Programs, utilizing our Integrative Strategy Approach to facilitate engagement, understanding of local mind set and alignment of core strategies and principles.


Our experience is that in today’s changing and accelerating world, in order to invigorate a community, their leaders must possess the ability to ignite their community potentials. We empower community leaders to gain these skills in a variety of ways and settings including where there is urgent need do the following:

  • Unite diverse individuals, clans and groups in connected cultures to perform in concert.
  • Increase communication and transparency across cultural divides
  • Forge collaboration—in both physical and virtual environments
  • Focus large teams on a unifying purpose
  • Stimulate economic growth, community cohesion and minimise conflicts


Our Ideas in Evolving Sustainability

We work to shift agreed goals without shifting agreed values. Communities and Organizations must be able to adjust activities to respond to new knowledge and dynamics without disrupting progress or contradicting existing beneficial belief systems. As the community expands and creates growth for itself and the individuals within the community, the importance of building support around stated purpose and organizational guiding principles are key for continuity and sustainability. The maintenance of the guiding principles is also key in supporting on-going commitment, passion and purpose in community development.

Our Management System

We have a board of Directors that ensures that the organisation fulfills its responsibility for good financial management and probity and that full support and commitment is provided and maintained in every activity relating to governance, delivery, finance and resources management

Sir J. Ukemenam PhD, FRS

Team Lead

Ted Johns

Chairman of the Institute of Customer Service

Nigel Hill

Chief Executive of The Leadership Forum Netherlands

Reform Corporation (RC)…..Reforming Life Opportunities  .

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